minimaterial - cm12 theme v3.5

minimaterial - cm12 theme v3.5

Rating: 6
minimaterial - cm12 theme v3.5

Minimal Material
Keeping it close to stock with light interface, dark system ui, frameworks and controls.


What's themed:

System stuff
- framework
- settings
- system ui
- keyboard
- fonts
- phone
- dialer
- contacts
- gallery
- messaging
- euphoria ota center
- cm updater
- audiofx
- eleven music app
- theme manager


Google Apps
- google+
- playstore
- gmail
- keep
- google keyboard
- hangouts
- messenger
- youtube
- play music
- drive
- translate


3d Party Apps
- supersu
- es file explorer
- whatsapp
- facebook messenger
- greenify
- instagram
- twitter
- dropbox

Always reboot your system when the theme gets updated

More to come.. stay tuned!
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