Percentage Calculator v1.0.7

Percentage Calculator v1.0.7

Rating: 2
Percentage Calculator v1.0.7

Percentage Calculator: The fastest way to calculate discounts, tips, interest and other percentages.

Instantly calculate and visualize all kind of percentage calculations — for free.

It's simply the fastest way to calculate discounts, tips, interest and other percentage values.

Any input value can either be a source or result of a calculation — just enter the values you know and it will calculate the remaining one.

The supported Percentage Calculators and their possible use cases are:

• Value Calculator (Sales Tax, VAT, sSchool (mathematics, statistics, algebra), Fat Percentage in Food, Cooking Ingredients)

• Change Calculator (Percentage Increase/Decrease, Tips, Markups, Profit Margin, Shopping Discounts, Sale Price, Net/Gross Price; Return on Investment (ROI)

• Conversion Calculator (Convert Fractions)

• Growth Calculator (Business and Financial, Compound Interest, Inflation, Cumulative Growth, Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR), Doubling Time (Rule of 72))
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