GEAK OS-launcher,dial,message v1.0.15028

GEAK OS-launcher,dial,message v1.0.15028

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GEAK OS-launcher,dial,message v1.0.15028

GEAK OS is an amazing android mobile software which combine beautification and better core mobile communication function.

Designed by professional designer, GEAK OS is more simple and easy to use. Now just one-click and install, you could have your own beautiful launcher, convenient dialer. And also could experience free message, real-time news, contacts cloud backup and some other superior visual and Operating experience.

The nature of the operating system is the tool, to make it more efficient and comfort to achieve the goal, this is also the reason we develop GEAK OS.

The basic function of mobile phone is calling and messaging, and our purpose is also to develop launcher, dial, contacts, message and some other important modules.

GEAK OS is a smart phone operating system which contains Elegant Launcher, Efficient Dialer, Fun Message, GEAK Cloud, and some useful widget like news, clock, weather etc. and gallery and music will coming soon. It is special due to its flat visual style and Unified interaction logic.

During the following modules, GEAK OS optimize and transfer more than 300 original android features, to match your daily habits.

Key Features:
в€љ GEAK launcher:
It is a totally new and elegant launcher, more than clean, efficient and convenient, but simple and beautiful. Apps you use most like Facebook, Twitter or Google play would appear on the first page automatically.

в€љ GEAK Dialer:
It is a powerful and efficient dialer which integrated contacts, call logs, Fuzzy searching for the contacts leads you to the fastest way to reach the contacts.

в€љ GEAK Message:
The fast, fun, easy way to connect with friends is through GEAK Message.

в€љ GEAK News:
International news became available by changing the region all over the world.

в€љ GEAK Cloud:
You could get your contacts at any place, any device, any time. Real time synchronization became true.

в€љ GEAK Market:
We will keep updating the most famous or interesting apps and the apps what we develop by ourselves.

Official Forum:

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Tags: GEAK, launcher
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