Pixel Maker PRO v1.1

Pixel Maker PRO v1.1

Rating: 7
Pixel Maker PRO v1.1

Finally, just in time for Ludum Dare, a pixel art editor built from the ground up specifically for Android and touch interfaces. Introductory price of 50% off during Ludum Dare.

- double-finger zoom
- double-finger pan/scroll
- pencil tool
- fill tool
- eyedrop tool
- color picker
- single tap to toggle pixel color to fix mistakes
- undo/redo
- 18 color palette
- saving to SD card in PNG format
- grid that can be toggled on/off
- checkered background to show transparent pixels
- preview window with 1:1 and 2:1 modes
- canvas size from 8 to 512 pixels wide or tall
- loading existing images from SD card
- save as
- unlimited undos
- changing alpha value and inputting hex values for color picker

This app uses icons from http://icons8.com/android-icons. Pixel art in screenshots are RPG icons from http://7soul1.deviantart.com/art/420-Pixel-Art-Icons-for-RPG-129892453. Initial color palette is DB's 16: http://www.pixeljoint.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=12795.
Tags: Pixel, Maker
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