For the new Theme Engine only
From 4.0v onwards This Theme Only Supports new Theme Chooser Roms
CM11 and AOKP Theme
The Rom after May 2014 Builds
The Icons Are Not Part Of Theme
If It Wont Work For You
You cant see in Themes options then you have to upgrade your rom
If its UI crashing then Its Your Rom Problem wait for Rom Fixes it or upgrade your rom
Still Have Problem Mail Me
**many Thanks To "djdarkknight96" From XDA for always helping me**
**Thanks to TechXero from Team Mahdi Rom For Being Such A good tester**
вњ©вњ©READ CAREFULLYвњ©вњ©
This theme is NOT for Stock Roms That Comes With your Device. This theme for for devices that are ROOTED and running a CUSTOM ROM that supports theme chooser Like CM11,PA,AOKP
Email- nitinvaid20@gmail.com
If have any problem with theme, please email me regarding issues. I cannot respond to the comments given here, so please email me.
Custom ROM like Cyanogenmod and others
X-hdpi and Hdpi devices supported.