Designed by Stryker Originals
This is my new theme called "Union". I tried to go for more of a stockish feel with this one. I wanted to make a theme that appealed to more then just a select group of people. I think I hit my mark. I use this as my everyday driver. Enjoy.!
**This theme includes so far**
-11 Stryker Originals custom wallpapers
-281 custom icons
-3 custom dock images for Nova and ADW
-Will add more icons as my time allows.
**Some icons missing from this theme? Use the icon request tool built into this app to send me a request.
**The icon request tool takes a minute or 2 to load depending on how many apps you have. You will get a black screen till everything loads. Don't be alarmed.
***To use this theme:
*you must have the latest version of Apex Launcher, Nova Launcher, ADW Launcher, or Holo Launcher installed on your device to use this theme.
***How to Apply the Theme
*click Apex settings/Theme Settings/Choose Union from the list then hit apply.
*click Nova settings/Look and feel/icon theme/choose Union from the list
*click ADWSettings/Themes/choose Uniom from the list and hit apply
***How to Change Wallpaper**
*click Wallpapers/choose Union Wallpapers/choose your wall and hit apply
*click Wallpapers/choose Union from the list, choose wall
*click Wallpapers/choose Union Wallpapers/choose your wall and hit apply
***How to use the custom dock images
*go to Nova settings/dock/dock style/click image and choose Union and select dock you desire
*ADWSettings/Themes/Customize/tap main dock and choose custom/choose Union Docks from this list, choose desired dock/hit apply
Problems and Suggestions to: stryker.originals@gmail.com