Oralion is a transparent icon pack that comes with an analog clock to match the icon pack and 11 colourful wallpapers that complement its beauty.
в–Є 1800+ HD icons (xxxxhdpi/ 256x256px)
в–Є 11 wallpapers in a wallpaper picker.
в–Є Independent analog clock widget.
в–Є No launcher icon (to keep things clean).
в–Є Updated regularly (at least once in a month, if no users requests)
в–Є Common launchers* (Such as Nova, Apex, Smart, Atom, etc...).
в–Є CyanogenMod theme engine.
*In some launchers (such as Smart), you will have to set some items to Oralion manually in the settings.
This icon pack wouldn't exist without these great icons (Free for commercial use /link back required)
в–Є Windows* 8 metro style, by http://icons8.com/ Visual Pharm
в–Є iOS* 7 icons, by http://icons8.com/ Visual Pharm
в–Є WPZOOM Developer Icon Set, by http://www.wpzoom.com/ WPZOOM
в–Є Metro* UI Dock, by http://dakirby309.deviantart.com/ Dakirby309
в–Є Android* L (Lollipop) , by https://www.iconfinder.com/visualpharm Ivan Boyko
в–Є Maki, by https://www.mapbox.com/ Mapbox
в–Є Entypo, by http://danielbruce.se/ Daniel Bruce
в–Є Flat UI Icons Free, by https://www.iconfinder.com/designmodo Designmodo
в–Є EightyShades, by http://victorerixon.com/ Victor Erixon
в–Є Sound and Audio, by https://www.iconfinder.com/icons4android.com icons4android
в–Є Weather and Forecast , by https://www.iconfinder.com/pixotico Pixotico
в–Є Meteocons, by https://www.iconfinder.com/Bluxart Alessio Atzeni
в–Є Ionicons, by http://ionicons.com/ Ionicons
в–Є AIGA Symbol Signs, by http://www.aiga.org/ AIGA
в–Є Pittogrammi, by http://www.danilodemarco.com/ Danilo Demarco
в–Є Miu, by http://linhpham.me/ LinhPham.me
в–Є Flat Black, by https://www.iconfinder.com/seisanxx Noppasorn Rumakhom
в–Є Picol Vector , by http://www.picol.org/ PICOL
в–Є Typicons , by http://typicons.com/ Stephen Hutchings
в–Є Feather, by https://www.iconfinder.com/colebemis Cole Bemis
в–Є Stroke Ball Icons, by https://www.iconfinder.com/iconsets/stroke-ball-icons-2 UberUx
в–Є Gentle Edges Icon, by http://www.pixelkit.com/ PixelKit
в–Є 36 Slim Icons, by https://www.iconfinder.com/fermanaziz Ferman Aziz
в–Є small-n-flat, by https://www.iconfinder.com/paomedia Paomedia
в–Є 20-flat-icons, by http://www.graphicsfuel.com/ Graphicsfuel
в–Є Flatified, by https://www.iconfinder.com/wH1spEr Boyan Kostov
в–Є Pictype Free Vector Icons, by https://www.iconfinder.com/tmthymllr Timothy Miller
в–Є OnePlus One Frame, by Basspixel
*Windows, Metro, iOS and Android are owned by Microsoft, Microsoft, Apple and Google respectively..