We enjoy wallpapers on our android home screen. Icons can clutter your home pages and may obstruct wallpaper view. Hence we created an Icon Pack with transparency. Each icon have Meego-ish shape with semi-transparent background with white icons on the top.
Note: This theme doesn't work with Go Launcher due to different icon mask used by them. You can still enjoy this theme with different version - http://bit.ly/ViplPSCGo
♦ 1300+ icons in xxhdpi (144x144px)
в—Џ Mask support
♦ 9 custom wallpapers
♦ 9 custom dock icons for supported launchers
в—Џ 24 icon background for non-themed icons
♦ Most requested icon updates
♦ Dashboard to browse and apply theme
♦ Nova
♦ Smart
♦ Next
♦ Apex
♦ Action
♦ Holo
♦ Aviate
♦ Epic
♦ Solo
♦ True
♦ TSF Shell
♦ Unicon (Icon Themer)
♦ Themer by MyColorScreen
♦ Email us contact@vadnere.com for any issues
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