Case-based coverage of 80 must-know diseases and disorders.
Add the expertise of CURRENT Medical Diagnosis & Treatment to your exam review!
Derived from CURRENT Medical Diagnosis & Treatment, the world's most popular annual medical book, this unique study guide delivers case analysis of 80 of the most common topics in internal medicine. It provides a comprehensive and well organized synopsis of each topic, making it an essential study partner for a variety of examinations, including the USMLE Step 2, medicine clerkship shelf exams, ABIM internal medicine boards and recertification exams, adult and family nurse practitioner certification examination, and physician assistant national certifying exam. For practitioners, this quick reference covers patient care for 80 of the clinical problems they are most likely to encounter in daily practice.
Each topic covered in CURRENT Medical Diagnosis & Treatment Study Guide is presented in a consistent, easy-to-read, in-depth manner that emphasizes problem solving. The topics were carefully selected based on their importance to the field of internal medicine and are designed to enhance your ability to think through a typical case in a logical, step-by-step fashion.
Each topic includes a typical patient presentation and:
• Learning Objectives
• Salient Features
• Symptoms and Signs
• Differential Diagnosis
• Laboratory, Radiology, and Procedural Findings
• Treatment
• Outcomes
• When to Refer and When to Admit
• PubMed references to the most current and pertinent MEDLINE articles
There is no easier or faster way to sharpen your understanding of key concepts in clinical reasoning and problem solving, and to brush up on essential clinical facts than this one-of-a-kind case-based review.
• Skin Disorders
• Pulmonary/Ear, Nose, and Throat Disorders
• Heart/Hypertension/Lipid Disorders
• Hematologic Disorders
• Gastrointestinal/Liver/Pancreas Disorders
• Gynecologic/Urologic Disorders
• Musculoskeletal Disorders
• Kidney/Electrolyte Disorders
• Nervous System/Psychiatric Disorders
• Endocrine/Metabolic Disorders
• Infectious Disorders
This app is easy to navigate, allowing you to browse the contents or search for topics. The search tool shows you choices of words that appear in the text as you type so it is quick and helps with spelling issues. It also remembers past search terms so you can go back to a topic or image very easily. You can also create notes and bookmarks separately for chapters and images to enhance your learning. Your progress answering questions is tracked so you can pick up right where you left off. You can also change the text size for easier reading. No Internet connection needed to view the app after it has been downloaded (except to check license). It is all ready for quick image and information retrieval. This app is optimized for whatever size device you are using, either phone or tablet.
This interactive app is based on the full content of CURRENT Medical Diagnosis and Treatment Study Guide (LANGE CURRENT Series) by McGraw-Hill.
Gene R. Quinn, MD, MS
Nathaniel W. Gleason, MD
Maxine A. Papadakis, MD
Stephen J. McPhee, MD
Department of Medicine
School of Medicine
University of California,
San Francisco
Disclaimer: This app is intended for the education of healthcare professionals and not as a diagnostic and treatment reference for the general population.
Developed by Usatine Media, LLC
Richard P. Usatine, MD, Co-President, Professor of Family Medicine, Professor of Dermatology, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
Peter Erickson, Co-President, Lead Software Developer