Chronus: Plex Weather Icons is a weather icon set made for Chronus: Home & Lock Widget.
To use the Plex Weather Icons, download Chronus: Home & Lock Widget from Google Play:
ALso works with Crius/Crius Pro and cLock CyanogenMod widget.
I used this icon set as a base for mine:
Because the original icons are xxhdpi they loose quality when resized to xxxhdpi.
I have redrawn all the icons in xxxhdpi to have the best quality possible.
Some icons don't exist in the original icon set, I have designed these myself to make the icon set as complete as possible.
To apply this theme:
Chronus Settings > Weather Panel > Icon set > Chronus: Plex Weather Icons > OK
Plex Weather Icons matches well with these Android Icon Themes:
Moonshine: http://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=nexbit.icons.moonshine
Plex for Android: http://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.fourthtriumvir.plexforandroid
Plex Weather Icons are a perfect match with the upcoming Android L release featuring the Material Design.