This is the Ultimate version that contains all the Pro features of the four wallpapers at 50% the price:
1. Sun Rise Pro --- for Morning
2. Blue Sky Pro --- for Afternoon
3. Sunset Hill Pro --- for Evening
4. Dream Night Pro --- for Night
Summary of features:
в?… Automatically switches between the above skies throughout the day, using an algorithm to calculate the sun rise and sunset time using your GPS location.
в?… You can set specific timings for each sky in the Settings, or you can choose to show only your favorite sky.
в?… Contains an extra sky for pre-dawn.
в?… Contains all settings for each sky (moon, stars, sky color, rainbow, etc.).
в?… Bird sounds.
в?… Touch interaction with the trees and birds.
в?… Parallax effect settings.
в?… Various other settings for birds, deers, trees, etc.
в?… Large APK size (11.2 MB) since it contains all the Pro versions.
в?… This just switches among the skies. Sky color and sun position for each sky still do not change gradually.
в?… Rough GPS Location: for calculating the sun rise and sunset time at your location. This information is not tracked or stored in any way.