Important: If you are not running v19.2 please upgrade as this is our most stable release/best UX to date.
Radiodile is an entirely new way to discover great music from YouTubeв„ў and SoundCloudв„ў.
You can create unlimited personalized stations and through tight integration with last.fmв„ў you can quickly add similar artists to your stations. In fact, you can even play any artist on demand with just a tap.
Want even more instant gratification? Once a track is streaming from your station our discography tab will let you play just about any track by that artist with just a single tap thanks to our tight integration with Discogsв„ў and YouTube's public APIs.
Top 10 reasons you should try this app
1. Unlimited skips
2. Play any artist or track on demand
3. Our patent pending Variety Dialв„ў technology lets you control how much content we stream by similar artists to those in your station.
Just want to hear the core artists in your station? Turn the dial all the way to the left. Want nothing but tracks from similar artists? Turn the dial all the way to the right. It's that easy.
4. Chromecast support turns your TV into your own programmable Music Video channel
5. Free legal mp3 downloads from SoundCloud. If authorized by licensor we will display a download icon both in and below the music player..
6. Thousands of curated stations by other beta testers just like you
7. Genre based stations created by us to help get you started
8. Share stations with your friends or favorite social network
9. Bluetooth integration so you can take us on the road.
10. Discover new indie artists and DJs to follow - we provide links to them all so they're just a tap away
Getting started is easy and there is no registration required as we offer Anonymous sign-in.
For those who wish to build a library of stations we offer both custom as well as native facebook & google sign-in/registration (using their respective Android SDKs).
OK... So what's the catch? Radiodile is a work in progress and is still in beta. That means we need your help in both ironing out all the wrinkles as well as sharing your ideas for improvement of the service.
Radiodile is an independent two-man startup with only one developer so as a beta tester your input and support is priceless to us.
PS - We offer 24 hour turnaround on support tickets. Just email us at support@radiodile.com. We'd love to hear from you.