You must have Go Launcher EX (which is free) installed for this icon pack to work. These icons will not replace your launcher icons in your app drawer they are for custom shortcuts and provide an alternative to the apps normal icons. There are 346 icons all are in a skull style. All icons are in high definition without cheap variations. Do not have to apply this as a theme instead follow the directions below. This also features app to sd card.
Don't forget to check out our other icon apps for Go Launcher Ex, icon apps for ADW Launcher, and dock packs for ADW Launcher EX and Go Launcher by searching AI Development. Like us on Facebook to get all info on updates, new releases, and to submit your requests.
To use icon with Go Launcher EX:
1. Long press icon on your desktop
2. Press replace
3. Press Theme's Icon
4. Select Icon Set A Go Launcher Ex from the drop down box
in the top right corner of the screen
AI Development holds licenses for artwork that is not created internally as such this app is for personal use only. All rights to assests remains with AI Development and/or any original artists.
tags: custom dock, dock pack, adw theme, launcherpro, icon, dockbar, docks, go launcher ex, golauncher, launcher pro, dock bar, pack, icon pack, Desktop Visualizer