* Learn Scales, Modes, Broken Chords in any position.
* Listen and play back the scales or view the patterns.
* Play to a click and solo / improvise in any key
* Create your own riff share great user licks.
* Optimised for all devices and tablets. Adjust the width or height of the fretboard to suit your playing style or device.
***** Guitar Scales Game *****
Select a scale, mode or broken chord from the extensive list.
Listen and watch the notes being played through highlights and then try to play it back. Check your answers. Start with just a few notes and then work up until you've mastered the notes in the scale.
Change the position.
Repeat scales ascending or descending or both.
View scale patterns as a reference.
***** Guitar Jam Game *****
Select the scale, mode or broken chord in which you wish to solo in. This will highlight all the right notes within the selected key on the whole fretboard. Then jam to it by aiming to play from the highlighted keys. You'll be surprised how good you'll sound just by hitting a few of the right notes! Play to a click and choose different percussion as backing.
Record and Save your favorite jam sessions and play back your rockin' riffs at a later date.
Submit your best riff and let others listen to it on the next version.
***** Best User Songs *****
Listen to and play back the best of other users riffs.
***** Features *****
Optimised for all devices and tablets. Adjust the width or height of the fretboard to suit your playing style or device. Go smaller to see the whole fretboard or go larger for a real life size!
Each note at each string/fret combination individually recorded in recording studio for the clean guitar sound.
Choose between clean guitar sound or plug in the distortion!
Adjust the speed and volume of the riff for playing along.
Highly configurable.
Slide the note.
Record & Save your favorite riffs.
Highlight the whole fretboard to show which notes are within a chosen scale.
Immersion's Ultimate Density Control Haptic Feedback.
No advertising
***** Scales,Keys, Modes and Broken Chords *****
Select the root of the scale (C,C#,Db,D,D#,Eb,F,F#,Gb,G,G#,Ab,A,A#,Bb,B,C) and type of scale/key, mode and broken chord and position from 1000s:
There are all the regular (major, minor, pentatonic, blues, etc.) there are all the rare (Persian, Altered, Bepop Dominant, etc.) there are all the modes (Aeolian, Dorian, Flamenco, etc.) and there are all the broken chords (Major 7, Major 7(#5), Minor 6)
***** High Quality *****
High quality sound (Rock hand to Wil Veitch) and high quality graphics (Sign of the Horns to Mina George).
***** Troubleshoot *****
A few customers are experiencing the app hanging on start up or there's no sound. This will be because previous apps haven't closed down their resources. We recommend you install a "Task Manager" app and clear the RAM memory.