This application shows and tracks all current TCP (ipv4 and ipv6) network connections on your phone/tablet. It reads the data from the same location as the famous netstat-tool (network statistics / network monitor), but with tracking mode.
It's very useful to know, if any application opens a connection to a remote server. You can also check, if there are any listening sockets (open ports/servers) on your device. The main informations of this statistics are:
* local-IP/hostname
* remote-IP/hostname
* connection-state (explanation on click)
* time of connection create/change
* ipv4/ipv6
* application name if available
* resolved hostnames
The options are for now:
* enable/disable resolving hosts
* enable/disable tracking
* sorting by time, connection-state or app-id
* EXPORT list as CSV file
You can run this app as a background-service to track connections, and to quick view open connections at the notification area.
This is the first version. If you have ideas for improvements, feel free to send me an e-mail.
This app is tested on various devices - if you found a bug nevertheless, please write too!
Tags: Connection, List