APUS is the smallest, fastest, and simplest user system on the market. More than just a launcher that puts your favorite apps at your fingertips, APUS boosts speed and battery life of your phone, while making the using experience as seamless and smooth as iOS.
Recent Update:
в—Џ NEW Search Functionality: Searching the web right on your homescreen
в—Џ NEW APUS Notifications: An easy way to be reminded of unread or unanswered emails and messages
в—Џ Enhanced App Market: Introduces a new layout for accessing the App Market to browse, discover, and download apps
в—Џ Updated UI for APUS Wallpaper: New interface that features high-resolution wallpapers that can be downloaded or used for both home and lock screens
The APUS user system comes complete with its own set of APUS features that include:
в–є Automatic Classification for Apps - automatically put your Clash of Clans and Candy Crush Saga into Game folder, your Instagram and Snapchat into Social folder.
в–є Prior Apps - Put Facebook, Twitter and other apps you may use mostly on your first screen, just 1-Tap away.
► APUS Radar – 1-Swipe to discover popular apps around you. Lots of fun waiting for you.
в–є APUS Notification - You will never miss important messages from your friends and family, available for Call, SMS and Whatsapp.
в–є APUS Boost - Speed up your games and apps, clean-up memory (RAM) and boost your device. APUS Boost works directly from your home screen.
в–є Notification Toolbar - Provide direct switch such as Flashlight, Mobile data and Wi-Fi. Sustain high speed for your phone.
► Techcrunch: Saving as much as 80% of a device’s memory when it runs — thanks to its size, it takes up less than 2MB of memory, [APUS gives] more juice and that’s always appreciated, particularly by those with lower-end phones. http://techcrunch.com/2014/11/02/apus-wants-to-make-your-android-phone-an-iphone-with-its-launcher-app/
в–є Business Insider: [APUS Launcher is a] beautiful launcher that organizes your apps into various folders, such as Communication, News & Books, and Media, among other categories. It's light and slick, and adds a bit of personality to your Android phone. http://www.businessinsider.com/best-android-apps-widgets-launchers-lock-screen-replacements-2014-11#apus-launcher-12
в–є CNET: Apus is dedicated to building the smallest, fastest, simplest user system for Android it can. http://www.cnet.com/news/spartan-apus-launcher-conquers-30-million-users-internationally/
в–є "Totally awesome Anyone having problem of slow speed , go for it. Rest like me enjoy it for its simplicity. Reduced my ram usage by 300MB!" -- Syed Ali
в–є "Complete in small pack.. It's simple, fast, and save your battery.. Usually my lg last only for a day.. After using apus it can last for 2 days.. Excellent" -- Jong Han
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Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/APUSGROUP
Twitter: https://twitter.com/apusgroup
Email: apusecho@gmail.com
Privacy Notice: http://feedback.apusapps.com/privacy.php
Website: http://www.apusapps.com
About APUS Group:
Founded in June 2014, APUS Group’s mission is to provide the best mobile experience to the world's 3 billion Android smartphone users. By developing applications that optimizes the Android operating system to make it easier to use, more convenient, and faster, APUS Group is dedicated to reimaging the UI and UX for the world’s fastest growing mobile operating system.
*Apus (Swift Bird) is among the fastest birds in the world, with a speed of 170kmph. They never rest, spends the whole life in air. Around the world, Apus has 3 families, 131 species and 417 kinds.
So far, APUS Launcher has ranked No.1 in 30 countries and ranked top 5 in over 50 countries under Personalization Category in Google Play.