New: Cloud Gallery: Your life memories in a Timeline
*** New: Unlimited storage for only $1.99/mo!
*** New: Locate your lost android on a map and so much more!
The only app that allows you in one step to move all your phones and tablets photos, videos, music, messages, contacts, simply everything to a secure cloud, so you don’t have to worry about losing them again, and it’s FREE (Up to 10 GB)!
If you lost or replaced your phone, simply install G Cloud on any phone or tablet, and voila! All your stuff will be restored in a tap.
Please note that this app requires the privileges to backup and restore your SMS, call logs, system settings, calendar and to locate your lost device, we do not erase your data off your phone, send messages or locate your device without your consent. Disabling these options will also disable the use of its privilege, please review our data privacy for more info.
в—Џ Backup Messages (SMS), contacts, call logs, documents, settings, photos, videos and music
в—Џ View your photo memories in a Timeline with Cloud Gallery (NEW)
в—Џ Locate your lost device from our online map (https://www.gcloudbackup.com) or via SMS message (NEW)
в—Џ Unlimited storage + Premium Support + Remove ads for only $1.99/mo!
в—Џ Access your messages, call logs, download contacts, share music, videos and view photos from the web: https://www.gcloudbackup.com
в—Џ Protect the App with a passcode
в—Џ Protect more than one device
в—Џ Secure data transfer (Secure Socket Layer) and storing (256-AES)
в—Џ Backs up to the secure and reliable Amazon AWS cloud storage
в—Џ Daily automatic backups when WiFi is available, plugged in, or have plenty of battery life
в—Џ Easy mobile to mobile restore and same device restore.
в—Џ No rooting or special configuration required
в—Џ Backup External SD cards
в—Џ Restore/Migrate to a new device with a tap
в—Џ Backs up every version of all files
в—Џ Advanced options to change daily schedule, disable automatic schedule, backup over 3G, and more
If you have any questions or inquires please contact: support@gcloudbackup.com
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