Zircon , a very simple yet exquisite icon pack. With beautiful semi-transparent colors on an elegant white diamond. These icons go perfectly for a minimalist feel. The icon pack come with artistic and simple wallpapers which give life to the icons and to your screen.
The icons compliment both bright and dark color wallpapers due to the transparent nature so you can experience your own taste.
в?… 200+ XXXHDPI icons (With many more to come in future updates)
в?… 7 High Quality Beautiful Wallpapers
в?… Works with UNICON and XGELS
в?… Icon masking will theme all the not themed icons
в?… Minimalistic widgets
в?… Icons sorted in several categories for easy access
в?… Regular weekly updates as you request new icons
в?… Material Designed Icon Pack App
в?… Action
в?… Adw
в?… Apex
в?… AdwEX
в?… Atom
в?… Aviate
в?… GO
в?… Inspire
в?… KK
в?… Lucid
в?… Next
в?… Nine
в?… Nova
в?… Smart
в?… Solo
в?… TSF
в?… CM Theme Engine
в?… many more!
The icon you want isn't there?
Before giving a bad rating use the tool inside the app to request the icons you want and you will have that icon in the next weekly update.
My goal is to build a huge icon pack!
- If the option to apply icon theme to a particular launcher is not there in the iconpack app then go to that launchers settings and apply from there!
- Icon masking is currently not supported for Go and TSF launcher.
- Permissions are only to apply wallpapers and request icons.
Any Comments or Suggestions?
Use the Contact feature in the app or
GooglePlus- http://goo.gl/0S7qDV
Email - a2mughal143@gmail.com
Please rate and write a comment if you like my work and take some time to share with your friends. Will be greatly appreciated. :)