big big big thanks to (droid designers) ketan karambelkar, and mohammed ummair for their help.
After downloading installer find it in your drawer, open it hit install button n u will then able to find widgets in zooper widget menu.
Dont uninstall the installer after download
Please dont give bad reviews without informing me your problem.
please dont hesitate to mail me if any problem occurs..feel free.
You must have Zooper Widgets Pro installed to use this skin.
If you have problems with widgets not appearing please email me
this pack contains 50 widgets of weather, time, and music..
zooper widget http://goo.gl/7cO6t
apex launcher or nova, but mine is apex
Media Utilities (Make sure zooper widget is enabled in Media Utilities Settings Make Cover-Art Available and circle or rectangle in option as per your widget, attempt direct control) http://goo.gl/8y9Ymc
apex or nova settings:.
No margins
no shadows
status bar hidden
grid 8*6
my email id:
add me on google plus