*Gohl has bright colors, modern look, Circle design with 3 layers, Light shadow for palettes and other icon elements which gives a great detailing and depth to every icon!
*I have carefully crafted these from scratch to give it a original yet a refreshing touch!
* These icons will make your device screen come alive with more then 1200 icons
* These icons will look best at maximum size a launcher provides 130% or more
* 1200 Plus HD Icons
* 55 Extra icons
* 15 Extra app drawer icons alternatively to choose from
* 10 Coloured Icon back for non themed icons*
* Dynamic calendar support
* All HD Icons ( 192 x 192 )
* Dashboard App with features like Icons search, Request Icons, Help Section for Starters & Much more
* Full Muzei Live wallpaper support
* 47 HD wallpapers, Wallpaper are stored in cloud server myte take time to download due to certain wallpaper size please be patience
* Bi-Weekly or Monthly updates
Supported Launchers Apex, Next, Action, Nova, Adw, Go, Aviate, Inpire, KK, Lucid, Nine, Solo, Smart, Themer, Tsf, Unicon
Social Network
* If you like my work please rate this thread в?…в?…в?…в?…в?… star and put your comments and suggestions
Thank you all for your Support