Powerful, robust and beautiful converter tool. Supports more than 650 units from 35 different categories, and growing...
• No Ads
• Easy to use with intuitive interface
• Support for landscape modes on tablets and phones
• Optimized for large screens, showing results for all conversions from the same category on the main screen
• Material UI, with light and dark themes
• Instant display of results while typing, no need to choose between different units
• Built-in search, find required units instantly
• Built-in calculator
• Over 130 currency rates
• Unlimited favorite conversions
• Keeps history of the last 20 conversions and converted values
• Share results by mail and possibility to copy to clipboard for later use
• Available in languages: English, Portuguese, Russinan, Spanish, Ukranian.
This intuitive and simple application is very useful when you are traveling abroad with its currency rates and clothing measurements, for school with a lot of categories from basic ones, such as length, volume, mass, temperature to more advanced in mechanics, energy, photometry, radioactivity etc., and just for discovering something new.
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List of supported categories
• Acceleration - Gravity, Meter per second squared, Foot per second squared, etc.
• Angle - Degree, Radian, Minute of arc, etc.
• Angular speed - Revolution per hour, Radian per minute, etc.
• Area - Square kilometer, Square mile, Square foot, etc.
• Astronomy distance - Light year, Parsec, Astronomical length, etc.
• Clothing, shoes and rings - Men's suits, Men's shirts, Women's dress, Hats, etc.
• Currency rates, 137 world-wide currencies - US Dollar, Euro, British Pound, Japanese Yen, etc.
• Cooking, with real ingredients - Gram, Ounce, Cup, Tablespoon, Teaspoon, etc.
• Data storage - Gigabyte, Megabyte, Kilobyte, etc.
• Data transfer - Megabit per second, Gigabit per second, etc.
• Density - Kilogram per liter, Gram per liter, Pound per gallon, etc.
• Dynamic viscosity - Pascal second, Pound per foot hour, Poise, etc.
• Electric charge - Coulomb, Ampere-hour, Faraday, etc.
• Electric current - Ampere, Milliampere, coulomb per Second, etc.
• Energy - Joule, Calorie, BTU, Kilogram of TNT, etc.
• Flow rate - Liter per second, Cubic meter per minute, etc.
• Force - Newton, Poundal, Kilogram-force, etc.
• Fuel consumption - Liters per 100 km, Gallons per 100 miles, etc.
• Illuminance - Lux, Phot, Lumen per square inch, Footcandle, etc.
• Kinematic viscosity - Square meter / second, Square foot / second, etc.
• Length & distance - Meter, Foot, Inch, etc.
• Luminance - Candela per square inch, Lambert, Foot-lambert, etc.
• Mass & weight - Tonne, Kilogram, Pound, Ounce, Carat, etc.
• Mineralization - Parts per million, Degree hardness, etc.
• Numbers - Decimal, Binary, Octal, Hexadecimal, etc.
• Power - Megawatt, Watt, Calorie per sec., Horsepower, etc.
• Pressure - Atmosphere, Bar, Pascal, Kilogram per square centimeter, etc.
• Radiation - Roentgen, Gray, Sievert, Rad, etc.
• Radioactivity - Becquerel, Curie, Rutherford, Disintegrations per sec., etc.
• Speed - Kilometer per hour, Mile per hour, Knot, Speed of light, etc.
• Temperature - Celsius, Fahrenheit, Kelvin, etc.
• Time - Century, Year, Month, Week, Hour, Minute, etc.
• Torque - Newton meter, Foot-Pound force, etc.
• Units & fractions - Pair, Dozen, Baker's Dozen
• Volume & capacity - Liter, Barrel, Gallon, Pint, etc.
Have a question or suggestion for improving the unit converter tool, send us an email: uucmobile@gmail.com