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The fourth edition of this leading dictionary (previously A Dictionary of Earth Sciences) contains over 7,500 clear and concise entries on all aspects of geology and earth sciences, including planetary science, volcanology, palaeontology, and mineralogy. Over 130 line drawings complement the definitions and useful appendices include a revised geological time scale, stratigraphic units, lunar and Martian time scales, wind-strength scales, and SI units. Fully revised and updated, with over 150 new entries and numerous web links, this is the ideal reference for students of geography, geology, earth sciences, and related disciplines.
Featuring search autocomplete to help you find words quickly by displaying predictions similar to the terms you're typing. You also get enhanced search extras including:
• A quick search of words while you type
• A 'fuzzy filter' when you are not sure of the correct spelling of a word
• A 'keyword' search for finding key words within phrasal verbs
• A wild card search facility which can replace a letter or a group of letters
• Download dictionary definitions locally for offline word lookup.
Including a number of features that help you further enhance your vocabulary:
• A 'Favorites' feature to create custom folders with lists of words from the extensive library, including cross-curriculum words.
• History list to help you easily review looked-up words.
• Discover more about language with the special language notes.
• See words in context with example sentences.
• 'Word-of-the-day' feature with homescreen widget.