Windows 8 Metro Launcher now on your Android Device.
# Beautiful metro homescreen
# Personalize your homescreen with your favorite Apps and Widgets.
# Weather live tile
# Rearange tiles with drag'n'drop.
# Charmbar
# Quickbuttons for important apps such as Email, Internet, Store, etc..
# Show your recent opened apps
# Customize your background with wallpapers (even live wallpapers)
# Change userimage
# Support of most device sizes.
# Customize your launcher with lot of settings
Please keep in mind that this launcher is still in development
Stay tuned for upcoming changes
#How can i start this App?
- In fact it's an Launcher, you can simply start it with the home-button and select this Launcher.
If you already selected a other default launcher, you first have to clear the default config in your settings.
# How can i open Settings of this App?
- Open the charmbar and select settings.
# And how can I open the charmbar?
- Simple slide on the homescreen your finger from the right screen edge to the middle of the screen. Then the charmbar should be appear on the right side.
# How i can reach all my apps.
- There are some methods:
1.) Click on "Start" on the left top corner of the home screen
2.) Open your charmbar and select "Search" or "Start"
# How can I pin apps to the homescreen?
- Get all your apps by click on "Start". If you click long on an app, you can add it to your homescreen with "Pin to Start".
# How can i uninstall this launcher?
- Go to your settings, select this application and uninstall application
If you enabled the device admin, you have to remove the app as device admin in your system settings.
# My weather tile has no functionality and cannot be dragged.
Until now it's only possible to rearrange tiles with functionality. In fact that the weather tile has no functionality right now, it can't be rearranged.
# When are live tiles available?
- Soon
# Why my selected App for the default tiles won't be stored?
- Because it's not implemented right now.
# Why this app is not in my native language?
- I'm sorry that I can't speak your language. But if you want you can provide me translations.
# I have a lot of suggestions and improvements
- Please leave a comment our contact me via mail. Meanwhile there are a lot of improvements from users implemented.
# Why you don't make it like the original Windows 8?
- I don't wan't to clone a Windows 8 for Android, but provide the Metro Interface for your Android Homescreen. There won't be any Desktop implementation. Also, not every functionality can be provided, because this is NOT WINDOWS.