MK Explorer is another simple file manager.
Features and functions:
вњ“ Material Design
вњ“ Of course: delete, copy, paste, and move
вњ“ Two windows (panels) to view files
вњ“ Shortcuts on the desktop directly from the main application
вњ“ Keyboard Shortcuts
вњ“ Search engine for files
вњ“ Thumbnails of images, videos and APK files
вњ“ Extracting ZIP and RAR archives
вњ“ Compression to ZIP
вњ“ Built-in gallery
вњ“ Root access
вњ“ Adapted to smartphones, tablets 7 and 10 inch
вњ“ Built-in simple text editor (Beta)
вњ“ Translation: English, Polish, French, Dutch, Russian, Greek, German, Italian, Romanian, Turkish, Indonesian, Serbian, Bengali, Spanish
вњ“ WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE - need to write files
вњ“ READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE - need to read files
вњ“ INSTALL_SHORTCUT - need to add shortcut to desktop
вњ“ ACCESS_SUPERUSER - need to get access to root
вњ“ WAKE_LOCK - need to properly perform operations on files when the screen is off
вњ“ READ_PROFILE and READ_CONTACTS - need to get your avatar and put it to the bookmarks drawer