Handy Profiles contains profile manager and call/SMS filter.
в?… Basic features
в?… Profile settings
• repeating notification for: missed calls, unread SMS, WhatsApp (support web.whatsapp.com)
• adjust screen: brightness, timeout, rotation
• adjust ringtone: notification, voice call ringtone
• adjust vibration: ringer modes, vibration settings
• adjust volume: alarm, media, notifications, system, voice
• adjust network: sync, airplane mode, Bluetooth, mobile data, Wi-Fi
• call and SMS filter: block all, block list, allow all, allow list
• call forwarding (you always get notification from network, which can´t be disabled)
• speaker settings
• start max 3. application per profile
• ads free
в?…Profile activation
• by timer
• by battery level, by connecting/disconnection charger
• by location (IN/OUT) get from GMS cell, surrounding Wi-Fi networks, location (LAT/LON)
• by calendar (keyword in event subject or location)
• temporary activation which temporary overwrites other methods
в?… Premium features
• more than 2 profiles
в?… How it works
You can create unlimited number of profiles. When you edit profile to choose what you want to set, you have usually 3 options (keep current settings enable, disable). It means that if you in some profile enable something and you donВґt disable it in following profile, function will be still active. You have available unlimited amount of trigger types (like battery, charger, timer, position based on Google location, network cell and Wi-Fi, calendar) which can be use for profile activation. There are triggers which have the highest priority and when there are active, other triggers will not work. High priority triggers are Calendar trigger and Temporary Profile Activation trigger. When these two triggers are not active, any other trigger can start.
в?… Battery consumption
I keep trying to decrease battery consumption as much as I can. I measure, test and analyze application every day. I implemented solution which disables application parts which are not used.
General tips for decreasing battery consumption:
• If you don´t need it, disable Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, Mobile data and Account Sync (or set longer interval for Account Sync).
• Set short screen timeout.
• Don´t use a lot of widgets with often updates (like weather, Facebook, etc.).
• Install only one application for week. If you install more and then you will see that something drain your battery, it is hard to find, which one is it.
• Install some application like my Battery Drain Analyzer to understand, what is maximum you can get from your battery.
• Install some application like my Network Monitor to understand, what use internet and how much. If you find something you don´t use, uninstall it or try to disable it.
в?… Localization
I can speak only in English & Czech. Translations are usually done by Google Translator or by some user. But I never really know how good translation in the end is. So please if you find anything wrong with translation, let me know. I am trying to use some tools for localization, but it is not really working.
в?…License renewal require
• functional internet
• activated synchronization account under which the application was purchased
Then you only need to turn on the application and the license will be retrieved from the Google servers.
в?…More information
Please do not use any type of task killers. It can brake functionality of this application and it usually donВґt help. If you donВґt believe it, try to Google it.