Rwilco12's Wallpaper Gallery is a HUGE collection of HD and high resolution wallpapers. Currently there are almost 2,000 unique wallpapers! This app gives you the ability to easily customize your device with unique high quality images from around the web.
The collection is mostly fractal, abstract and technology based backgrounds with a few others mixed in. If you're a geek you're bound to enjoy the selection! Wallpapers are categorized by their base color in order to help simplify the process of finding the right wallpaper for your device.
When setting the desired image as your wallpaper it will automatically adjust the image to fit the screen and on most devices it supports wallpaper scrolling.
- Almost 2,000 unique wallpapers!
- No mature content (this app is guaranteed Safe For Work)!
- Ability to set wallpaper from within the app!
- Wallpapers downloaded from web and cached to phone to reduce app size!
- Ability to download wallpapers to device (Pro version only)!
- Automatic addition of wallpapers to app when added to servers by developer!
- So much more!
Required Permissions:
- android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE
- Allows the app to determine if a network connection is available for downloading wallpapers.
- android.permission.INTERNET
- Allows the app to connect to the internet to check for updates.
- android.permission.SET_WALLPAPER
- Allows the app to set the device wallpaper.
- android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS
- Used for push notifications to allow the app to only send notifications to the user who installed the app.
- android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED
- Allows the app to initiate the Google Cloud Messaging service so the device can receive push notifications.
Tags: Rwilco, Wallpapers