Toggle almost anything. The widget has to be manually added to home screen after installation. Don't look for it under APPS, look under WIDGETS.
Configurable widget on your home screen saves space and many clicks. Multiple settings can be toggled at the same time in a single profile. Possible profiles include night mode, meeting, travel, flashlight, car, battery saver and more. For example, Airplane Mode and WiFi can be turned on together with a single click (good for places with bad reception where there is WiFi). SADLY IN ANDROID 4.2+(JELLY_BEAN_MR1) AIRPLANE MODE IS NO LONGER DIRECTLY AVAILABLE (the app will take the user to the airplane mode setting in Android 4.2+).
1) Widget does not do anything unless user taps it. This app does not monitor the state of the device, so it is possible to get into situation where the widget is showing the wrong state. For example, lets assume the user configured the widget as a simple Bluetooth on/off switch. Tap on the widget and the switch is now in ON position and Bluetooth is now enabled. Then, if the user manually goes into settings and disables Bluetooth (or some other app disables Bluetooth), widget will remain in the ON position. THIS IS BY DESIGN.
2) LED Flashlight works on most phones. Handy in Android 4.2-4.4 right from the lock screen.
3) Simultaneous multiple profile toggles are possible, but not from the same app package (2 profiles at the same time are possible by installing paid and free versions). Free version can be found here https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mk.zombie If you need more than 2 profiles, please email me for another copy.
- Thanks to http://psd.tutsplus.com/tutorials/interface-tutorials/round-switch-button/ for a great Photoshop tutorial. Images used in this app are slightly modified.
Feel free to email me with any questions/requests