A handy tools to toggle and start most common actions.
вњ“ 25 common toggles and actions
вќ¤ 28 beautiful themes
вњ“ Unlimited home screen widgets: 1x1, 2x1, 4x1
вњ“ Notification area, action pad
вњ“ Auto-actions: show most use action on widgets
Toggles and action supports
в?? Mobile data - (Lollipop requires root)
в?? WiFi
в?? Bluetooth
вќ¤ Flashlight
вќ¤ Lock Screen
вќ¤ Smart ram booster
в?Ђ Sound/Silent/Vibrate mode
в?Ђ Brightness
в?Ђ Auto Sync
в?Ђ Sync now
в?Ђ GPS (Xposed)
в?Ђ Screen off Time
в?Ђ Screen Orientation
в?? WiFi tethering
в?? USB tethering
в?? Bluetooth tethering
вњ“ AirPlane (root)
вњ“ Adb (root)
вњ“ Fast reboot (root)
вњ“ Reboot (root)
вњ“ PowerOff (root)
вњ“ Reboot recovery (root)
вњ“ Clear recent apps (xposed)
вњ“ Power saving mode (root, Lollipop+)
вќ¤ Clear notification (Jelly Bean+)
Some toggles and actions require root permission or xposed mod
Enjoy beautiful widgets. Happy customization. Also save battery with power widgets.