Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English 5 - Audio Edition v1.4

"Longman's flagship learner’s dictionary is now available as an Android application. Improve your fluency in English with the most up-to-date learner's dictionary at your fingertips.
Now with integrated Thesaurus and Collocations Dictionary.
Dictionary details:
- 230,000 words, phrases and meanings - more than any other learner's dictionary
- 165,000 examples based on real, natural English from the Longman Corpus Network show how English is really used
- Clear definitions written using only 2,000 common words.
- Most frequent 3,000 words in spoken & written English, highlighted to show which are the most important to know
- Register Notes focus on the differences between spoken and written English.
- The Academic Word List is highlighted to help you improve your essays and presentations.
- Grammar and warning notes ensure that you avoid the most common errors.
- Integrated Collocations Dictionary. Over 80,000 collocations will improve your fluency.
- Integrated Thesaurus. Over 20,000 synonyms, antonyms and related words will improve your vocabulary range.
- 400 images
- 77,000 audio pronunciations for all headwords in both British and American English.
- 86,000 recorded example sentences
(All audio available via external links due to size; Internet access required)
Application Features:
- a native, dedicated dictionary app written specifically for the Android platform
- full content of the print dictionary
- PLUS additional collocations, synonyms & word histories
- complete front matter and additional resources
- hyperlinked cross-references
- real-time progressing look-up
- wildcard pattern searches with * ?
- bookmark your favourite entries
- automatic history listing
- integrated entry menus for quick navigation
- offline use (except for audio and images)