A simple App to backup and restore Call Logs (History). Backup is stored by default in /sdcard/CallLogBackupRestore folder.
* Automatic Scheduled Backups.
* View Backup Contents from within the App.
* Backups created in XML Format.
* Option to specify the Backup folder.
* Backup format is independent of the Android version so the Call History can be easily moved from one phone to another, irrespective of the Android version.
* Delete Call History on the Phone.
* Email a backup file.
* The XML can then be converted to other formats, and can also be viewed on a computer.
Android only keeps history of 500 calls, so something like this is a must if you want to keep your call history.
This App needs access to the following:
* Storage: To create the Backup file on the SD card.
* Network communication: For displaying Advertisements.
* Your social information: To read/write the Call History and also to display and store the contact names in the Backup file.
* Run at start-up: Start scheduled Backups.
* View Network Connections: So that the app does not try to load Ads when there is no connection.
* Control Vibration: To vibrate the phone when an operation is completed.
* Prevent Phone from Sleeping: To prevent the phone from going to sleep/suspended state while a Backup or Restore operation is in progress.
* Test access to Protected Storage: To create the Backup file on the SD card.
- Finnish - Thanks to Juhana H.
- Russian - Thanks to Pavel (Павел Миронов)
- Spanish - Thanks to Miguel A. Alvarez
- French - Thanks to Julien Benoist
- German - Thanks to Marc Hillesheim & Jan Allan Zischke
- Dutch – Thanks to Kristof Roels
- Portuguese - Thanks to AntГіnio Silva
- Italian - Thanks to Oliver Thomas Cervera
- Polish - Thanks to MSZ & MR
- Swedish - Thanks to Björn Lindahl
- Estonian - Thanks to Margus Palu
- Simplified Chinese - Thanks to Thomas Wang
- Slovenian - Thanks to TKL
- Welsh - Thanks to Huw Waters
- Czech - Thanks to Jiri Trcka
- Macedonian (Republic of Macedonia - F.Y.R.O.M.) - Thanks to Vlad
- Turkish - Thanks to Hasan Gök
- Hungarian - Thanks to Kojedzinszky DГЎniel
- Hebrew - Thanks to s_h
- Traditional Chinese - Thanks to Bernie Huang
- Korean - Thanks to HoeLyn Do (лЏ„нљЊл¦°)
- Norwegian - Thanks to Dag JГёran Hanssen
- Danish - Thanks to Jeppe Leth Nielsen
- Romanian - Thanks to Gabriel Peca
- Greek - Thanks to Michael and Dimitrios
- Slovak - Thanks to Richard Antal
- Georgian - Thanks to Temuri Doghonadze