Control the usage of your Data/Calls/SMS plan besides configure alarms, auto hang-up and redial to the numbers where the first minutes are free, All in one app!
в?… We have been chosen by Google as one of the best apps of 2013!
в?… 2 million downloads in the free version.
в?… Configurable to control plans of many carriers such as: Plan Telcel PLUS, Movistar, Iusacell, Unefon, Comcel, Claro, Nextel (Plan ConexiГіn, NavegaciГіn), Vodafone India, Aircel India, Airtel India, Tata Docomo, Idea and more. Start saving money now!
Functions to control your plan:
вњ” Data Usage 3G, 4G
вњ” MEXICO. Complete support for Plan Telcel Plus.
вњ” MEXICO, COLOMBIA. Intelligent Caller ID (company, city and type)
вњ” Real time information about plan usage.
вњ” Set up alarms for the usage of your plan.
вњ” Display statistics of your plan.
вњ” Exclude free numbers in calls and sms from statistics.
вњ” Widgets.
вњ” Export Data Plan Register to Excel.
Functions for the free numbers:
вњ” Auto hang up.
вњ” Auto redial.
вњ” Configure alert times based on each contact.
вњ” Configure vibration alert.
вњ” Configure sound alert.
вњ” Fast dial from the app.
вњ” Status bar notifications.
вњ” Real time call tracking.
вњ” Configure the days the application is enabled.
- The app is ideal to limit a call by cutting/hangup when a certain time has elapsed.
In the following page you can find information about these features and how to configure them:
Please let me know your comments, suggestions or bug reports to support@calltimerpro.com (only english).