"Music helps people to improve their moods and boost their overall happiness"
Keeping this in mind, we designed this beautiful music player for you.
Music in place is a powerful, elegant with beautiful material designed music player for Android having 9 band equalizer with bass boost, virtualizer, and reverb. You can select songs folders, choose your preferred album art.
Main Features:
# Material design UI
# ID3v3 tag editing.
# Custom libraries support.
# Playlist support.
# Beautiful songs queue view which can be accessed from anywhere.
# Album artist sorting/tag support
# Individual EQ settings for each artist, album, song, genre.
# Create custom equalizer presets.
# File/folder browsing.
# Scrobbling.
# Crossfade with customizable duration.
# Auto-download album art from the internet.
# Beautiful search page.
# 2 different base themes - Light and Dark.
# 6 different color schemes.
# 2 types of layout design for artist, album, genres view.
and many more to find out
You can donwload the free version of the app at https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.musicinplacefree.music.player
For any support, mail us to musicinplace@gmail.com or comment below. We will get back to you as soon as possible.
Enjoy your music !