Missing your favorite podcast on iTunes? Don't worry, we've got you covered. This app lets you search podcast in iTunes' collection directly on your Android device! Plus it pulls the top podcast chart from iTunes for you. Just download it and enjoy the most popular podcast in the world on your Android devices.
"iPP Podcast player is the next best podcast player in the market." - Top 5 Podcast Player For Android (http://makewebworld.com/best-podcast-player-for-android/)
"iPP Podcast Player allows users to search podcasts in iTunes collection." - Top 10 Best Podcast Apps for Android (http://www.heavy.com/tech/2013/08/top-best-podcast-apps-for-android-2013/)
For bug report, feature request or any support questions, please go to the Google group http://groups.google.com/d/forum/ipppodcastplayer.
For beta version, please use the link https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.itunestoppodcastplayer.app
Follow me on Twitter @nonlinearsoft.
This is ads supported app. With in-app purchase ads can be removed. There's no any functionality difference between ads supported and ads free version.
- The best podcast search let you find almost any podcast available
- Fully automated download. Just turn on the auto download, this app will download any new episode available for you.
- Offline playback of audio and video, save your data consumption
- Multiple playlist support for better organizing your podcast playing
- Synchronize between devices
- Support home screen widget, lock screen widget, and expandable notification controls. Your favorite podcast are just at the tip of your fingers.
- Import and export podcast subscription using OPML format (iTunes & Google Reader)
- Ability to save download to SD card
- Ability to add a podcast manually if can not find in the database
- Multiple language support: Chinese, Czech, English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish
- Has built-in Tablet layout. One app for all screen sizes.
- Chromecast support
Podcast Feed
- Include all categories from iTunes: Business, Comedy, Education, Games & Hobbies, Government & Organizations, Health, Kids & Family, Music, News & Politics, Region & Spirituality, Science & Medicine,Society & Culture, Sports & Recreation, Technology, TV & Film
Built-in Media Player
- Plays downloaded audio/video podcast
- Streams audio/video over network (wifi/cell)
- Remembers play position of media file
- Comes with soft decoder if the media formats are supported by Android
- Bluetooth support
- Play in background
- Sleep timer to stop audio player after you sleep
- Pause/resume audio play on incoming phone
- Has a car mode for easy and quick playback control
Download Management
- Automatically fetch feeds on a configurable interval
- Automatically download new episode
- Automatically deletes downloaded podcast that has been listened to
- Automatically synchronizes between downloads and playlist
- Multiple playlist support for better organizing your podcast playing. Create as much playlists as you can.
- Support audio/video playlist for continuous play
- Sortable playlist plus manual drag and sort ability for easy playlist management
- Fully configurable. A lot configuration options to meet your specific needs.
- Two level settings, global settings and individual podcast settings, to fine tune the settings
- Support themes: light theme & dark theme
- Configurable home screen widget to fit your beautiful wallpaper
Note for users with Android KitKat or above:
Since KitKat there's only one writeable path on SD card for this app. If you go to the settings of this app and select to change download location, this app will list all available writeable paths found on your phone for you, then please select the download folder on that writeable path. The app should be able to save download to that folder then.