We are aware some of you are having issues while attempting to view an email. To resolve this issue open settings > About Yahoo Mail > Clear Cache. You should then be able to see your email messages post clearing your local cache. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Now with Android phone and tablet support!
Stay connected
- Access your inbox in just one tap
- Stay on top of your new messages with notifications
- Quickly scan messages in your inbox with continuous scroll
Message with ease
- Auto-complete email addresses as you type
- Multi-select messages to organize your inbox faster
Get more done faster
- Access multiple Yahoo email accounts in one place
- Easily attach photos or take new ones while composing a message
- Preview photos right at the top of a message
- Search through all your messages across all folders
And now, you can choose from a variety of background themes to customize your inbox.
Follow us on Twitter @YahooMail
Yahoo does not provide a local Swiss mail service.