*1900+ HD Icons
*Icon Masking for all unthemed apps
*30+ Cloud Wallpapers - for tablets i suggest you to download to sd and then set manually
*Muzei Support
*Behang Support for BLink
*Dynamic Calendar Icon Supportfor Nova Launcher
*16 Docks for Nova Launcher
*Alternative Drawer & App icons
*Categorized apps in nova launcher selection
*Icons request (via mail) functionality directly from dashboard app
*Works with those launchers: Nova/Apex/Adw/Atom/Holo/ActionPro/Trebuchet/Go Launcher/Smart Launcher/Unicon (Icon Themer)/Aviate/Next Launcher/Inspire/KK Launcher/Nine
*May works with other launchers but it’s not 100% guaranteed
Widgets used in screenshots can be found here: http://goo.gl/thnWV9 or just tap the button in the dashboard
Go Launcher users : currently Go Launcher doesn't support icon masking. Go to preferences -> Icons -> TICK OFF "show icon base"
Tags: #Nova.theme