Displays an alert when you receive a forwarded (diverted) call. MAY NOT WORK ON ALL PHONE MODELS. ROOT IS REQUIRED ON ANDROID 4.1+. If it does not work or you do not like it, just request a refund via Google Wallet, no questions asked!
Redirecting business calls to your mobile? Now you can see if it is a business or a private call before you answer!
Known supported phones / ROMs:
в?… Samsung Galaxy S II (original)
в?… Samsung Galaxy S (original)
в?… CyanogenMod 5, 7 (probably all AOSP ROMs)
в?… HTC Desire HD (original 2.3.3)
в?… HTC Sensation (original 2.3.4)
в?… HTC Wildfire S (original 2.3.3)
в?… LG Optimus Black (original, 2.2.2)
в?… Motorola Defy (MIUI 2.3.5)
в?… Motorola Defy+ (original 2.3.4)
в?… ZTE Blade (original 2.2.2)
If you install the app on Android 4.1, you will need root or run the following from your PC with Android SDK installed:
adb shell pm grant de.duenndns.forwardedcall android.permission.READ_LOGS
Known unsupported:
в?† Android 4.1 JellyBean only works on rooted devices: http://duenndns.de/fca/jellybean/
в?† any CDMA and 4G devices. Sorry.
в?† HTC Desire (original)
в?† HTC Desire S (original 2.3.5, works only for anonymous callers)
в?† HTC Wildfire S (original 2.3.5)
в?† Motorola Atrix 4G (original 2.3.4, 2.3.7)
в?† Samsung Infuse 4G (original 2.2.1)
в?† Sony Xperia Arc, Arc S, Mini Pro (original 2.3.4, works only once after reboot)
Support for further phone models is worked on.
Required permissions:
* READ_PHONE_STATE: incoming call display
* READ_LOGS: to find out if a call is forwarded
Tags: call forward, forwarding call