Clean your folders ,sort your files into directories and have clean and fast file system.File sorter sort all files and recognize more than 100 file types .File sorter also contain smart scheduler which helps you to automatically sort your folders after optional time.
USAGE:It is advisable to apply file sorter on folder (directory) ,which contain many files for example Downloads folder.
в?…Sort technology:
Firtslty ,file sorter recongize files and create directories from them.
Secondly ,moves files into corresponding directories.For example: photos to image directory.
What is more, sort technology do not create empty folders so you can set up sorting into many folders and have a clean file system.
в?…Smart scheduler:
Smart automatic system which cleans and sort files automatically after optional time.
Time intervals: once an hour,once a day,once a week,once a month
в?…Optional settings:
You can choose directory to sort with easy root file explorer.
You can add your own folders and create name and supproted file types.
Appliaction is set up for best sorting ,but if you are advanced user you can edit everything you want.
Basically file sorter sorts:Images,Sounds,Videos,Documents,Applications,Presentations,Data and Others.
в?…Supported file formats:
Pictures: jpg,gif,bmp,png,psd,jpeg,pspimage,tga,thm,tiff,yuv
Sounds: vaw,wma,mp3,mp2,iff,aif,m4a,m3u,mid,mpa,ra
Videos: avi,mov,mpeg,mp4,wmv,flv,3gp,dvd,mpeg,3g2,asf,asx,rm,srt,vob,swf
Documents: doc,docx,log,msg,odt,xls,pages,rtf,txt,tex,wpd,wps,abw
Applications: jar,apk
Presentations: indd,pct,pdf,pps,ppt,pptx,key
data: cvs,dat,gbr,ged,ibooks,keychain,tar,rar