This is the paid version of AFW - Weed Widget Pack. Try the free version first and if you love it, support us by buying the Pro version.
AFW - Ultimate Ganja Edition Includes:
вњ” Bong brightness widgets
вњ” Cannabis joint battery widgets
вњ” Rasta weather widgets & Calendar widgets
вњ” Stoner clock widgets with custom 420 reminders
вњ” Weed toggle widgets: wifi, sound, auto-rotate, etc.
вњ” Several styles to choose from.
вњ” No useless animations that kill your battery in a day.
Additional features included in the Pro version:
вњ” Ability to set custom 420 timers with an optional bong sound.
вњ” Extended 5-day weather forecast.
вњ” Weather forecast look-up by Zip or Postal Code
вњ” Status bar battery level notification with 1% accuracy (even on JB).
вњ” No ads of any kind and quick customer support.
All of this in one awesome pack and it's only 1.99$
So don't waste any more time trying to piece together a bunch of random widgets of the market! Download AFW - Ultimate Weed Edition and let the high times roll!
Widget Features In Detail:
вњ” Bong brightness widget - tap the bong, to change your screen's brightness. An empty bong means screen brightness is set to 25%, a bong full of marijuana smoke - screen brightness 100%.
вњ” Cannabis joint battery widget - as you battery levels dip the joint gets consumed and releases rasta colored smoke. Tap the joint to see what applications have been wasting the battery power. Optional: display your battery level in your status bar!
вњ” Rasta weather widget - Shows today's weather based on your current location or zip code. The widget updates it's data every hour, or you can tap the widget to refresh the data manually and see the extended 5-day forecast. The weather data is provided by World Weather Online.
вњ” Stoner clock widget with a custom 420 reminder - Displays time (and date if Weed Style is selected) and vibrates as well as changes style at 4:20 as a reminder of the time to get baked. If you work 9 to 5 then use the custom 420 reminder to set your own 420 time. Touching the clock opens your regular alarm manager too.
All the permissions required by this widget pack are for toggling your phones states such as wifi, sound, bluetooth, flight mode, auto rotate on/off or retrieving the weather data over the internet. That's it!
If you're experiencing any issues with the widgets, it's most likely because you're using and outdated version. Please upgrade AFW to the latest version and re-add the widgets onto your home screen or contact our tech support.