Fight! For freedom!
The most professional and most popular war game in 2014! Bring you back to the classic WWв…Ў game, Dozens of innovative game players offer you a better joy!
Important update: battle playback and world map. Treasures could found there.
------------Can't be missed------------
в–ІTop 10 on Android Game Rank in 16 conturies. 8,000,000+ downloads. Thounsands online players! This is where you can play and compete with talents around the world!
в–ІProvided by a veteran team, the game has excellent graph and fluency, making it a epic war game product in mobile platform that you shouldn't miss!
------------Game Features------------
в–ІVivid Scenes, Characters, Constructions and Weapons....Experience the real WWв…Ў Game
в–ІDetailed Novice Guide makes it easy to master and strong in the sense of empathy!
в–ІOver 20 types of infantries, tanks and airplanes.......Bring infinite possibilities for the war.
в–І69 Scenario Campaigns lead you step by step to the victory for freedom!
в–ІArena, Spy Satellite, Revenge war.....The collisions between strength and wisdom erupt from time to time.
в–ІStronghold Scramble, Legion Arrest Warrant, Defending War....Those inviting events help you improve your power!
в–ІUnlock Units, research weapons, train troops, upgrade base.....Various gameplays can make you stand in the peak of the world!
в–ІShare it every day on Facebook to get loads of rewards!
PLEASE NOTE! Battle Alert is completely free to play, however some game items can also be purchased for real money. If you do not want to use this feature, please set up password protection for purchases in the settings of your Google Play Store app.
------------Contact us------------
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/redalert.ol
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BattleAlert
E-mail: battle.alert.customer@gmail.com