Flats theme chooser theme is for the individual who loves the look of stock android. Pure google experience. This theme is aimed at you. Imagine... If Google made a flat Ui, what would it look like? This is my version of that :) custom icons through out the theme but leaving all of them stock based with a flatter look, totally minimal, square lines through the entire system. I hope you all enjoy it as much as I do.
To install this theme you must be using a Rom that supports the T-Mobile Theme engine. (eg. Paranoid Android, Cyangenmod, AOKP, P.A.C, etc,) you must first make sure the system theme is applied ( settings/themes/select system theme) once that is done reboot your device or clear app data from themes, & theme chooser provider.select flats theme from the themes provider list and apply it. if you get a message saying this theme is missing assets for your screen size, ignore that and apply anyways ( this is because I build my theme in windows vs. a linux enviroment) once it's applied reboot your device so the theme is applied 100% correctly system wide. right now this theme supports xhdpi devices. it might work on smaller res devices, but is untested on those. if you have problems, please email me before leaving a negative review. thanks.
system apps changed:
Rom Control
Paranoid Preferences
google aosp keyboard
core google apks ( framework, systemui etc.)