Check out Empire Zooper for matching widgets: http://bit.ly/1shbXSx
Empire Launcher Theme is a icon replacement application that works with most popular launchers.
These icons are rendered in HD 192 x 192 xxhdpi. They look crisp and clean on any screen
They come in a highly detailed color palette. The color palette has been very carefully chosen to give the icons a unique and fresh look. Some popular icons have multiple alternates.
All of this is accessible through the icon picker in Apex and Nova
Launcher. As well as some other launchers
Empire Features:
1000+ custom designed icons. Hundreds more coming soon in updates.
53+ custom Wallpapers with Musei support!
Icon Request Feature (built into app dashboard. Accessable from your app drawer)
Launcher Theming
Neatly separated icon picker is available in nova launcher and through the app
Help Section within the app dashboard that will tell you which launchers are compatible, how to apply and what can be themed.
Muzei support
Blink support
Dynamic Clock support (nova beta only as of now)
cloud based wallpapers (to save space on your device)Constant updates
Top notch support
Application Dashboard:
Take a guided tour of the included icons, wallpapers, folders, docks.
apply to most popular launchers directly from the dashboard
request icons to be added to the pack
multiple means to contact me.
Included icon view feature ( you can view all the included icons sorted by type so it is easy to find what you are looking for.
Help section: Shows what can be themed and how to apply it.
view included wallpapers
the theme of the app can be changed from light to dark in settings.
TSF Shell
May work with more.
HUGE thanks to Addie Baker (Big DX) for letting me use his application source. It is a truly wonderful app and credit goes 100% to him. Also big thanks to Jason Titus (Jatx2wne) and Brian Roberts (BRIONICthemes) for helping me set it all up.
Thank you to Loren Columbini (Beard) and Nathanial Web (artvandelay440) for help with Empire Zooper
Check out Empire Zooper for matching widgets: http://bit.ly/1shbXSx
Check out media coverage of this app:
Droid Forums post by @droidmodderx: http://bit.ly/U0HxEY
All wallpapers in this all are derived from CC 3.0 Vector files ( http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/us/ ) They are all modified by me to match the colors of these icons. Some more heavily than others. I obtained all files from http://all-free-download.com.
You can contact me with any questions, issues or concerns. I will go out of my way to help you.