Tired of postponing dozens of times the alarm on your smartphone every morning?
Is your sleep disturbed by the constant interruptions of the alarm clock?
Try "LazyAlarm"!
Alarm features:
- (Completely new) Two postpone-buttons to delay the alarm clock with different time delays;
- (Completely new) Customizable duration of the two postpone times ;
- Ability to set multiple alarms;
- Set up recurring alarms (daily, weekly) or without repetitions;
- Ability to enable / disable alarms set;
- Setting up a customized message for each alarm;
- Ability to set a different ringtone for each alarm;
- Ability to turn on / off the vibration;
- Screen alarm clock dark as not to disturb the view when you wake up;
- Simple interface, clear and clean;
- Available in English and Italian versions.
В© LazyAlarm Team