A tiny program for files and directories transfer via WiFi.
1. You have to connect two devices (PC, tablet or smartphone) via WiFi. You can connect them directly or with a router.
2. Run the program on both devices. The IP address of the other device will be automatically filled in the field "Recipient IP" from the field "Your IP".
3. Set a directory to store files.
4. Choose file and click "Send file".
A version for Windows and Windows Mobile is also available (you can transfer files and directories from/to your PC or WM-device):
Windows PC (EXE): http://bartwell.ru/soft/win/wififilesender/WiFiFileSender.exe
Windows Mobile (CAB): http://bartwell.ru/soft/wm/wififilesender/WiFiFileSender.cab
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WiFi Direct, Ad-hoc