Find Cheap Gas Prices
Gas prices can vary by up to 20 cents per gallon or more. GasBuddy helps you find the cheapest gas prices with one tap.
Submitting gas prices helps everyone save money on gas.
- Find cheapest gas near you
- Find cheapest gas by city/zip/postal code
- Report gas prices to help other people find cheap gas
- Chance of winning $100 of gas every day!
- Earn points for reporting gas prices
- Earn awards for posting gas prices
- Save money every time you fill up at the cheapest stations
- "This app saves me so much it's ridiculous."
- "This app is a no brainer! The accuracy is astounding and WILL save you money. Trust me, you want this app!"
- "I love this app! It helped me find a gas station just a mile from my house that I never knew existed. This app is easy to use and saves you money."
GasBuddy uses gas price information provided by our users to bring drivers together to support the common goal of saving money on gas.
Gas prices only for USA and Canada