Poweramp skin Pink Glas deluxe
A Pink Glas deluxe poweramp skin with a high-quality design.
Very nice design and beautifull custom icons.
Personalize your music player with finest glas design and color.
Pink Glas deluxe is a skin pack for Poweramp 2.x.
This is NOT a separate application.
Install Poweramp 2 first, then this theme.
After installing the theme.
You can click a button to go straight to applying the skin.
Or you can go straight to Poweramp and it will be in your themes list.
(Poweramp > Settings > Look and Feel > Theme.)
Feel free to contact me if you have any problems or suggestions.
Made in Germany - copyrightВ© all rights reserved Tapani lab
poweramp skin OR com.maxmpz.audioplayer.skin and skins