Aura HD Theme is a concept theme pack for Android devices and works seamlessly with top Launchers available in Google Playstore. This theme has been carefully crafted for todays full HD display devices.
* Contains 650+ HD Icons and 9 HD Wallpapers.
* This theme is built for HD and FHD display devices and works very well on Normal displays as-well.
* Theme Dashboard to help you Apply Theme, Apply Wallpaper, Request Icons, Rate Theme and Mail Us with one touch.
* Works with multiple Launchers.
* More Icons and Wallpaper added with weekly updates.
== JOIN US ==
вњ‰ Follow us on Google+ (+ShivmanasDev) http://bit.ly/innpixelfollow
вњ‰ Follow us on Twitter (@ShivmanasDev) http://bit.ly/shivmanastweets
вњ‰ Follow us on Facebook (innpixeldesigns) http://bit.ly/shivmanaslike
* Open "Aura HD" app from your appdrawer to Apply Theme, Rate Theme, Choose Wallpaper, Request unthemed Icons and mail us with one touch.
* Recommended Launchers:
в–Є Action Launcher (Download from http://bit.ly/actionlau)
в–Є Apex Launcher (Download from http://bit.ly/Apxlau)
в–Є Nova Launcher & Nova Launcher Prime (Download from http://bit.ly/nova-lau)
в–Є ADW Launcher & ADW Launcher Ex (Download from http://bit.ly/adw-lau)
в–Є Go Launcher & Go Launcher Prime (Download from http://bit.ly/golauex)
в–Є Launcher Pro (Download from http://bit.ly/lau-pro)
* Recommended Icon Sizes:(For HD & full HD Devices)
в–Є Action Launcher: 110% or 120%
в–Є Apex Launcher: 110% or 120%
в–Є Nova Launcher (Prime): 110% or 120%
в–Є Go Launcher: Recommended size(Big)
* Go Launcher Masking Problem:
в–Є Go Launcher does not support icon masking. We don't recommend using Go Launcher at this time.
в–Є If you need to continue to use that launcher, head into Preferences > Visual Settings > Swipe to the Icons page > uncheck 'Show Icon Base'.
в–Є This will restore the non-themed icons to their original state.
* Support on other launchers:
в–Є Icons may also work with Solo Launcher, ssLauncher, Lightning Launcher, Open Home paid, Open Home free, VTL Launcher, Circle Launcher Paid, Nemus Launcher, Next Launcher and more!
в–Є Please download one of our free theme and check if it works on your launcher before buying a paid app.
* Action Launcher:
в–Є Menu > Settings > Display > Icon Pack > Aura HD Theme.
* Apex Launcher & Apex Launcher Pro:
в–Є Menu > Theme Settings > Aura HD Apex Nova ADW Theme.
* Nova Launcher & Nova Launcher Prime:
в–Є Menu > Look and Feel > Icon Theme > Aura HD Apex Nova ADW Theme.
* Go Launcher & Go Launcher Prime:
в–Є Menu > Themes > Installed > Aura HD Apex Nova ADW Theme.