1.In the name of the hunter, open abyss trip
2.Ultra-small package, anywhere you want to download!
3.Top of equality abyss absolutely fair!
4.20 talent points wait to you open.
5.Freedom manipulation, creative play.Floating batter refreshing experience.
Function Descriptionпјљ
1. The red represents the value of life, green represents the experience, when the full experience, you can upgrade talent get stronger attributes.
2. The red triangle will remind you of the monster's attack range has been entered, pay attention to avoid.
1. The Beginner do not dive too deep, In deep you will see a lot of Dragon, if you do not believe then you can try.
2. When the player stays in the air operate the right area to make the shooting arrows together, then the arrow of hit accurately and damage will be higher.
3. You want to know what monsters in the abyss? Upload screenshots and share together the Raiders began to clear abysshunter action.
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Customer Service Email: gs@huntergame.cn‍